30 Years Of Positive Results

Compliance With Sales And Use Tax Regulations

State tax authorities are particularly vigilant in investigating sales tax violations for service providers such as cleaning companies, government contractors providing personal property to federal and state/local agencies and other tax-exempt entities, software and maintenance relationships as well as retail establishments and aftermarket. The most common problem our business clients face are allegations of improperly reporting sales tax, improperly withholding sales tax, or failing to remit sales and use taxes. The latter is especially problematic for businesses that operate in multiple states/jurisdictions.

Issues That Arise From Underreporting

Underreporting can be the result of failing to timely and/or properly withhold or remit payments. It can also be because one was either unable or did not understand the relevant laws for the states in which you do business, as each state has its own specific regulations about which products and services are taxable. Underreporting or falsely reporting sales taxes owed can also be the result of poor record keeping. If you are starting a business or expanding your business into new products or geographic areas, it’s wise to talk with a tax attorney at Kundra & Associates to ensure you understand the legal requirements of sales and use tax collection and payment.

We Can Protect You From Excessive Taxation And Unreasonable Charges

When the taxing authority proposes to impose a tax liability in sales and use tax dispute, the government often assesses a higher amount than is actually owed by the company. This is because they work with ratios to extrapolate liabilities. Therefore, it is important that you are paying attention to what is being asked and why. Further, states are increasingly experiencing deficits and they want you to pay and pay quickly. The tax lawyers at Kundra & Associates will negotiate with the relevant taxing authority to arrive at the correct amount of sales tax owed, if any.

Our tax attorneys are aggressive advocates protecting your company from overreaching assessments, penalties and fines while working to help your company regain compliance with state sales use and tax laws.

Contact An Experienced Sales Tax Lawyer

Contact Kundra & Associates, in Rockville, Maryland, to schedule a consultation with an experienced tax lawyer by calling 301-637-8130.

Complete our taxation case evaluation form.