30 Years Of Positive Results

Photo Of Chaya Kundra

Resolving Corporate Tax Liability Issues

Kundra & Associates, P.C. is your authoritative source for information regarding business tax liabilities. We handle issues that arise while purchasing or starting a business, operating a business or preparing a business for its sale. This includes assisting business owners with minimizing the chance for tax disputes regarding employment tax, sales tax and other corporate tax liability.

The tax attorneys at Kundra & Associates, in Rockville, Maryland, provide legal advice and defense strategies for international and national business tax clients. For guidance with issues that include interstate/intrastate sales tax, immigrant workers or employment tax, call Kundra & Associates: 301-637-8130.

Employment Tax Liabilities

Every business faces the potential for employment tax problems. Businesses that employ seasonal labor, immigrant workers and contract workers are even more susceptible to tax problems. We provide legal guidance to mitigate your exposure to heavy fines and tax assessments.

Sales Tax Issues

If you have questions regarding your corporate tax liability for employment taxes, you are facing an investigation, or you have been fined by a tax authority relating to the collection of employment taxes, contact Kundra & Associates, P.C.

New business opportunities — particularly those using the Internet with its ability to enable even small businesses to reach new customers nationally and internationally — present additional challenges to businesses that must collect and remit sales tax. Failure to pay the proper percentage and/or to remit in a timely manner can result in unwanted and expensive problems with state taxing authorities.

Purchase Or Sale Of A Business

Corporate tax liabilities are one category of an audited financial statement; the document a prospective buyer or lender will review. Proper reporting and timely handling of corporate tax liabilities can help ensure your company’s financial health is visible to outside examiners.

Contact An Experienced Tax Lawyer At Kundra & Associates

To schedule a consultation with a corporate tax lawyer regarding corporate tax liabilities, contact Kundra & Associates, P.C. by calling 301-637-8130.

Complete our taxation case evaluation form.