30 Years Of Positive Results


Contributing too much to a 401(k)

For many Maryland workers, a 401(k) retirement account is one of the perks of their jobs. However, the Internal Revenue Service has found that some people have taken advantage of the system and are making contributions that are in excess of what is currently...

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The rules of rollover waivers

Generally speaking, Maryland residents and others have 60 days to rollover funds from a 401k or IRA into a new IRA. Failure to meet this deadline could result in negative tax consequences. However, there is a chance that the IRS could allow a person to avoid financial...

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IRS audits continue to decline

While many Maryland taxpayers fear audits, the Internal Revenue Service is actually checking up on fewer people. The shrinking number of tax audits has been highlighted by news coverage of allegations that President Donald Trump and his family members failed to pay...

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Common income tax mistakes cost money

Small mistakes can be costly when it comes to filing state or federal income taxes. Though most people endeavor to pay as little in taxes as possible, many filers are still overpaying every year. Maryland residents can avoid such mishaps by remembering a few...

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