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Processes bind the IRS to comply with the law

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2017 | Tax Liens |

The word “process” is boring and dull, and it is meant to make you feel bored. It is a term that no one wants to think about for too long. It’s vague and uninteresting — and yet, in relation to the Internal Revenue Service an tax issues, the word “process” holds significant meaning for taxpayers. IRS processes can actually protect you, John Q. Taxpayer, during any tax collection process or seizure process.

Let’s discuss this further in the context of the IRS trying to tax assets away from you as a result of unpaid taxes or back taxes that you owe. Could the IRS, for example, take your home or business in an effort to collect on those back taxes or tax debt? The answer is “yes.” However, they have to follow their process in order to do so, and that gives you the opportunity to invoke and uphold your rights.

Since the IRS has this power, this is why it is advised for anyone with back taxes or unpaid tax debt to quickly get in touch with the IRS so that you take proactive steps to fix the matter at hand. Avoiding it and failing to communicate with the IRS makes it look like you are hiding something, or that you have nefarious intent by not paying these debts. Being proactive makes it less likely for the IRS to seize your assets.

If they do seize your assets, though, the IRS must do so properly. You can refuse to consent to any seizure of property, which would then force the IRS to go before a court to get their seizure approved.

Source: FindLaw, “Can the IRS Take Your Home or Business?,” Accessed March 21, 2017